Our department strives to bring informative and interesting lectures and special events to our students. For more details, see below!


Russian Major/Minor Tea

Monday, October 28, 2018
4:30pm - 6:30pm
Academic Building, West Wing, Room 4052

Join us for a Russian tea for majors and minors, and prospective majors and minors! Learn more about our courses, meet with current majors and minors, and talk with our instructors while enjoying refreshments.

Professor Pavel Khazanov will give a lecture titled
"Sincerity: The Art and Politics of Saying Nothing on Late Soviet Television"
as part of the Center for European Studies' Local Talent Series

Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Academic Building, West Wing, Room 6051


Lindsay Ceballos (Lafayette) will discuss
"Mainstreaming the Underground: Musical Interludes and Covers in Serebrennikov's Summer"

Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Academic Building, West Wing, Room 4140


Book Talk. Ukraine's Quest for Identity: Embracing Cultural Hybridity in Literary Imagination, 1991-2011 by Maria G. Rewakowicz 

Wednesday, April 3, 2019
4:30 - 6pm
Academic Building, West Wing, Room 4052

Come hear the author talk about her new book, which examines how the dilemmas of Ukrainian identity manifest themselves in the literature of post-independence Ukraine. It asks how various identities--national, territorial, ethnolinguistic, class and gender--are reflected in literary works of the most representative contemporary authors, and how much these works contribute to the process of Ukraine's decolonization. Light refreshments will be served.

Maria G. Rewakowicz, PhD (University of Toronto) teaches Ukrainian literature at Rutgers University--New Brunswick and is also affiliated with the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Washington. She is the author of Literature, Exile, Alterity: The New York Group of Ukrainian Poets (2014) and co-editor of Contemporary Ukraine on the Cultural Map of Europe (2009). She also authored a book of essays Persona non grata (2012) and compiled two anthologies of the New York Group poetry, all three published in Ukraine.