861 Russian Studies Master Course List

01:861:121,122 Special Language Study (4,4)Devoted to one of the languages relevant to the geographic area covered by the 861 major other than Russian, Polish, or Ukrainian.Prerequisite: Permission of department. This course may be taken twice as the language changes.

01:861:360 Special Topics in Hungarian Studies (3)Variable content. With permission of program director, course may be taken repeatedly if content is different.Conducted in English. No knowledge of Hungarian is necessary. Credit not given for both this course and 01:535:360.

01:861:370 Special Topics in Polish Studies (3)Topics related to Poland and Polish culture. Specific titles available at time of registration.Conducted in English. Credit not given for both this course and 01:787:370.

01:861:391 Historical Studies: Ideas of Modernity (3)Variable content. Consult program director for specific topic and requirements.Credit not given for both this course and 01:510:391.

01:861:460 Advanced Special Topics in Hungarian Studies (3)Variable content. With permission of program director, course may be taken repeatedly if content is different.Conducted in English. No knowledge of Hungarian is necessary. Credit not given for both this course and 01:535:460.

01:861:470 Advanced Special Topics in Polish Studies (3)Intensive study of a particular topic related to Poland and Polish culture. Specific titles available at time of registration.Prerequisite: Permission of department. Conducted in English. Credit not given for both this course and 01:787:470.

01:861:493,494 Independent Study (3,3)Supervised individual study of selected topics of interest, with extensive reading and/or independent research project.Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.